Nursing Foundations Lab; Oxygenation

Posted by Andy Cunningham on March 4, 2024 at 4:30 PM

 Nursing  students learn the methods of, and importance of, patient oxygenation in their Nursing Foundations Lab. In this course, emphasis is placed on professionalism, caring, communication, cultural considerations, spirituality, sexuality and health promoting activities. 

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Topics: Nursing Program, Health and Natural Sciences

Around Campus - General Chemistry II Lab

Posted by Andy Cunningham on March 4, 2024 at 9:36 AM

Students in Biology and Chemistry Professor Steven Fiedler's General Chemistry II Lab work on an experiment in the Antonucci Science Complex.

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Topics: Health and Natural Sciences

Health and Life Sciences Career Fair 2024

Posted by Andy Cunningham on February 29, 2024 at 6:15 PM

This afternoon, the university's Career Services and Advising Center sponsored a Health Sciences career fair in the Hammond Main Lounge. The program was open to all students in all majors, with a focus on positions in; nursingbiologychemistry, and exercise and sports science.

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Topics: Career Services, Health and Natural Sciences

Engineering Program Guest Speaker

Posted by Andy Cunningham on February 29, 2024 at 9:28 AM

Both faculty and students got a chance to learn from, and ask questions of Scott Richardson, AIA, LEEP AP, Principal, Co-Founder of Gorman Richardson Lewis Architects (GRLA) as part of the  Engineering Technology Department's  guest speaker series in Conlon Hall this morning.

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Topics: Health and Natural Sciences, Engineering Technology

Around Campus - Medical Microbiology Lab

Posted by Andy Cunningham on February 27, 2024 at 4:15 PM

Students in Biology and Chemistry Professor Dr. Sean Rollins' Medical Microbiology course performed various procedures in today's labs in the Antonucci Science Complex. The course serves as an introduction to the biology of major groups of micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi. Emphasis is placed on their relationship to man as agents of infectious diseases. In the laboratory principles and practices of aseptic techniques and diagnostic identification and culture of disease entities are explored.

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Topics: Health and Natural Sciences

Nursing Simulation Laboratory; Code Blue CPR Scenario

Posted by Andy Cunningham on February 26, 2024 at 2:30 PM

Curtis P. Rodgers (C.P.R.) is back in the Simulation Lab, so our nursing students were immersed in a code blue  simulation. A “code blue” is defined as any patient with an unexpected cardiac or respiratory arrest requiring resuscitation and activation of a hospital-wide alert. A pause in the scenario allowed faculty to go in-depth in the scenario and allowed the students to work on their CPR skills; given immediate feedback from both the mannikin patient, and external devices. Our Nursing Simulation Laboratory assists nursing students in learning critical thinking and clinical judgment skills in preparation for their healthcare careers. The “manikins” act as lifelike patient simulators, wherein instructors provide real-time feedback via a control center, giving students as close to real-life simulation as possible. Fellow students acted as support staff and assisted the team through the simulation once the code blue alarm was initiated. All students and faculty debrief after the scenario.

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Topics: Nursing Program, Health and Natural Sciences

Around Campus - Chemistry for Health Sciences Lab

Posted by Andy Cunningham on February 20, 2024 at 9:30 AM

Students in Biology and Chemistry Professor Billy Samulak's Chemistry for Health Sciences Lab work on an assignment in the Antonucci Science Complex. This course is designed specifically for nursing and exercise sports majors and includes the study of selected topics from general chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry.

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Topics: Health and Natural Sciences

Around Campus - Cell Culture Techniques

Posted by Andy Cunningham on February 13, 2024 at 10:30 AM

Students in Biology and Chemistry Professor Dr. Michael Nosek's Cell Culture Techniques course work on an experiment in the Antonucci Science Complex. This course consists of a survey of the techniques and experimental approaches used in cell culture experimentation. Topics covered will include sterile technique, media preparation, types and sources of cells, cell propagation and quantification, and viability assays. Students will develop their own research project based on their interests. They will use the scientific method to formulate hypotheses and carry out appropriate experiments to address the hypotheses.

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Topics: Health and Natural Sciences

Around Campus - Human Anatomy & Physiology II

Posted by Andy Cunningham on February 12, 2024 at 9:30 AM

Students in Biology and Chemistry Professor Daniel Welsh's Human Anatomy & Physiology 2 course record post-exercise ECGs in their lab. The course provides a detailed examination of the circulatory, respiratory, lymphatic, digestive excretory, and reproductive systems.

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Topics: Health and Natural Sciences

Around Campus - Nursing Injection Lab

Posted by Andy Cunningham on February 9, 2024 at 9:30 AM

Nursing students review dosing and administering medications via injection in their Nursing Foundations Lab with Professor Arlana Arsenault.

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Topics: Nursing Program, Health and Natural Sciences