Andy Cunningham

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Communications Media Student Turns Course into Job

Posted by Andy Cunningham on July 23, 2024 at 7:50 AM

Award winning Communications Media student Isaiah Manuel turned a Multi-Camera Television Production course into a Production Assistant position at Fitchburg Access Television (FATV). The course, taught by Professor Kevin McCarthy in conjunction with Fitchburg Access Television (FATV) during the Fall 2023, gave Isaiah the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in what it's like to produce a talk show. He, and other students, switched between various roles including control room operations (teleprompters, broadcast switchers, digital audio boards and lighting control panels), and studio roles (floor direction, camera operation, studio lighting, studio sound techniques). 

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Topics: Community, Communications/Media

Fitchburg State University Upward Bound Summer Program - Community Service After Party

Posted by Andy Cunningham on July 22, 2024 at 8:55 AM

Yesterday, Fitchburg State University's Upward Bound  Math and Science Summer Program students took part in community service as part of their Day of Service. Groups cleaned up the areas around Fitchburg's iconic Monument Park, Fitchburg's Senior Center, Fitchburg Rail Trail, Leominster Senior Center, and the Leominster Rail Trail. Afterward they enjoyed lunch and a host of activities at another iconic location in Fitchburg; Saima Park.

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Topics: Student Experience, Community, Education Program

Upward Bound - 35 Years at Fitchburg State University

Posted by Andy Cunningham on July 19, 2024 at 10:15 AM

Last night, Upward Bound staff, students, families, and the Fitchburg State University community gathered to Celebrate 35 years of Upward Bound  Math and Science Summer Program at Fitchburg State University. The celebration kicked off with a raucous, and crowd pleasing performance by  featuring the Imperial Lion Dance Team followed by a gathering at the Antonucci Science Complex lawn.

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Topics: Student Experience, Community, Education Program

Fitchburg State University Police Program ROC - Speed Measurement; Lidar

Posted by Andy Cunningham on July 18, 2024 at 11:00 AM

Sgt. Salis of the Natick Police Department brought our Fitchburg State University Police Program's Recruit Officer Course (ROC) recruits out to the McKay School parking lot for a hands-on lesson in the use of lidar speed tracking. Lidar, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure ranges (variable distances) to the Earth.

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Topics: Police Program, Criminal Justice

Center for Professional Studies' Advanced Placement Summer Institutes (APSI) - AP Arts & Design, Studio Session

Posted by Andy Cunningham on July 17, 2024 at 2:48 PM

Fitchburg State University Center for Professional StudiesAdvanced Placement Summer Institutes (APSI)  AP Studio Art Summer Institute for new and experienced teachers of AP explore the 3D Art and Design, 2D Art and Design and Drawing portfolios. Studio sessions facilitate the creation of valuable curricula through corresponding art making.

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Topics: Center for Professional Studies, Humanities, Fine Art

Fitchburg State University Police Program ROC - Field Speed Measurement

Posted by Andy Cunningham on July 16, 2024 at 3:30 PM

This afternoon, Sgt. Salis of the Natick Police Department brought our Fitchburg State University Police Program's Recruit Officer Course (ROC) recruits out of the classroom to test their speed measurement skills against radar and lidar tracking.

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Topics: Police Program, Criminal Justice

Fitchburg State University Police Program ROC - Speed Measurement Class

Posted by Andy Cunningham on July 15, 2024 at 3:45 PM

Sgt. Salis of the Natick Police Department began conducting a three-day Speed Measurement course for recruits in the Fitchburg State University Police Program's Recruit Officer Course (ROC).

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Topics: Police Program, Criminal Justice

Center for Professional Studies' Advanced Placement Summer Institutes (APSI) - AP Biology, Transpiration

Posted by Andy Cunningham on July 15, 2024 at 12:51 PM

The Fitchburg State University Center for Professional StudiesAdvanced Placement Summer Institutes (APSI) week began this morning. In the AP Biology track, High School Teachers are conducting a week long transpiration experiment. The APSI are designed to support all aspects of AP courses, including AP methodology, curriculum, class assignments and examinations as well as providing strategies for teaching AP courses. Art & Design Educators spent the week long program in a combination of lecture, projects, and discussion to improve their teaching skills. 

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Topics: Center for Professional Studies, Health and Natural Sciences

University Hosts MA Department of Correction's 335th Graduation Ceremony

Posted by Andy Cunningham on July 15, 2024 at 12:01 PM

This afternoon, members of law enforcement, and the MA Department of Correction celebrated the 335th Recruit Training Class graduation in our Weston Auditorium. Keynote speakers Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Undersecretary Andrew Peck and Hampden County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Nick Cocchi provided words of wisdom, gratitude, and congratulations to the newest members of the MA Department of Correction family. 

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Topics: Community, Criminal Justice

University Hosts MA Department of Correction's 335th Graduation - Rehearsal

Posted by Andy Cunningham on July 12, 2024 at 10:38 AM

This morning, members of law enforcement, and the MA Department of Correction performed a walk through rehearsal for the graduation ceremony for their 335th Recruit Training Class which the university is hosting in our Weston Auditorium.

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Topics: Community, Criminal Justice