This morning, Fitchburg State University Director of Admissions Tony Trodella welcomed school social workers, school adjustment counselors, and school counselors to the Massachusetts School Counselors Association (MASCA) Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) training session.
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Local High School Seniors enrolled in our Fitchburg State University Upward Bound Math & Science Program (UBMS) met on campus for a College Search/Scholarship Workshop. Our UBMS staff enlightened the students on various scholarship attainment strategies to aid in their college search and acceptance.
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Education Program,
Information Technology
Director of International Education Nelly Wadsworth, and Assistant Director of Study Abroad Nicole Salerno welcomed this semester's cohort of International students at their orientation in the Hammond Maine Lounge. Students took part in some ice-breaker exercises before a day full of information sessions.
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International Education,
International Admissions
This afternoon, President Donna Hodge and campus leaders from student services across campus welcomed students and families to the second Falcon Express One-Stop Event before the spring semester in the Anthony Student Services Center. The goal of this event is to provide students with all the resources they need to answer any final questions they may have, and allow students to enroll in their academic coursework with no delays! As has been the tradition, President Hodge draws names of students in attendance and awards each with a 1,000.oo scholarship.
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Information Session
Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) held another roundtable of a their journal club, Research Roundtables explore literature on higher education practices and enhancing data and literature literacy. The group discusses selected research papers and share insights relevant to our campus community. At this his meeting, an article about harvesting data through undergraduate applicant essays was discussed.
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Information Session
As today's Winter Orientation '25 wrapped up, and information sessions were over, our newest Falcons were address by Dean of Students Tim St. John. Dean St. John made sure all questions were answered, before their departure. In addition to that - and some swag - university offices and student groups were on hand to assist in answers.
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Clubs and Organizations
Amidst a day full of activities and information sessions, students - transfers and freshmen - met with the Deans in their selected majors to make sure their schedules are ready before classes begin on January 16th.
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Information Session,
Academic Affairs
Winter Orientation was held in the Hammond Center today to welcome our newest Falcons to campus. After registration, and meeting our fantastic Orientation Leaders, the program began with welcome remarks from Director of Student Development Michael Kennedy, and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Patricia Marshall in the Ellis White Lecture Hall. After ice breaker sessions, students and their families heard presentations from various student services departments including Commuter Affairs, Housing and Residential Services, Wellness & Counseling Services, Academic Coaching and Tutoring Center, Career Services and Advising (CSA), Student Accounts, University Police, and Community Health Connections, Welcome to the flock!
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Information Session,
Academic Affairs
This morning, students enrolled in the Fitchburg High School Honors Academy visited campus to learn about the Fitchburg State University Honors Program from Honors Coordinator Biology and Chemistry Professor Dr. Emma Downs, and students currently enrolled in the program. Director of Early College and Dual Enrollment Fernando Garcia-Rodriguez was on hand to answer general questions about the university. After the information and Q&A session, students took tours of the campus, learned about writing research papers, visited the Global Middle Ages Literature Fair, and enjoyed lunch in the dining commons.
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Information Session,
Early College Program
Nashoba Valley Technical High School Design & Visual Communications Instructor Derik Rochon brought a group of students from the high school for a tour of facilities in our Communication Media Program. Current Communications Media/Graphic Design student, and Nashoba Valley Technical High School alumnus, Savannah Caldbeck spoke with students, shared her unique experience, showed some of her work, and answered students' questions. Graphic Design Professor Donald Tarallo described the program, showed more projects, and answered student's questions.
If you are interested in a similar tour with your students please reach out to our Admissions team.
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Information Session,