Lieutenant Andrew Lamarche, and Officer Andrew Morris of the Fitchburg State University Police Department gave a tour of our Police Station to the Future Falcons taking part in our Future Falcons Week.
Lieutenant Andrew Lamarche, and Officer Andrew Morris of the Fitchburg State University Police Department gave a tour of our Police Station to the Future Falcons taking part in our Future Falcons Week.
Topics: Campus Safety
Fitchburg State University Police Program Police Academy Director Alexandra Wysocki, three of our Police Program students, and Lieutenant Andrew Lamarche of the Fitchburg State University Police Department entertained the Future Falcons in the Wallace Gym at the McKay Elementary School. The students got a chance to learn a bit about how important physical fitness, stamina, and cooperation is in the effort to become a police officer. The session ended with Interim Police Director Wysocki inviting the Young Falcons to share what qualities they would appreciate in these soon-to-be officers.
Topics: Police Program, Campus Safety
Topics: Community, Campus Safety, Fitchburg Access Television (FATV)
We would be remiss if we let National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day pass without a shout out and big THANK YOU to Chief Michael Cloutier and the rest of the Fitchburg State University Police staff.
Topics: Community, Campus Safety, University Police
While students are on break, Fitchburg State University Police Department (FSUPD) Chief Michael Cloutier and his staff continue to keep the university campus and surrounding areas safe. With over 200 strategically placed cameras, in addition to regular patrols, FSUPD keeps watch with their Mission Statement, which they see as they leave their locker rooms and enter the station.
Topics: Campus Safety, University Police
Students enrolled in the Fitchburg State University Police Program's Recruit Officer Course (ROC) had their monthly meeting yesterday afternoon in Weston Auditorium. After an address by Academy Director Alexandra Wysocki, Fitchburg State University Police Chief Michael Cloutier moderated a BIPOC Police Panel Discussion. Students heard from Officer Michael Chesson, Fitchburg State University Police, Capt. Lisa Butner, Tufts University Police (retired Lieutenant MSP), Officer Daniella Lopez, Fitchburg Police, Officer Frimpong Antwi, Gardener Police, Officer Dennis Siaw,, Gardener Police, and Officer Carlos Cintron, Leominster Police.
Topics: Community, Police Program, Criminal Justice, Campus Safety
This afternoon the Office of Student Development hosted CARtoberfest on the Hammond Street Level North St. Patio offering pretzel nuggets, popcorn, Identity Coffee, and games with University Police, Career Services, Financial Aid, Counseling Services, Recreation Services and Parking Services.
Topics: Clubs and Organizations, Community, Commuters, Career Services, Campus Safety
As part of Human Resources and Payroll Services Development Programs, Fitchburg State University Police Chief Michael Cloutier gave an overview of his department and a stronger understanding of campus safety efforts.
Topics: Community, Campus Safety
This morning, on this National Coffee with a Cop Day, the Fitchburg State University community had the chance to meet with Chief Michael Cloutier and members of the Fitchburg State University Police as they hosted Coffee with a Cop in the Falcon Hub. Fitchburg State University Police therapy dog Odin was there as well. The mission of Coffee with a Cop is to break down the barriers between police officers and the citizens they serve.
Topics: Community, Criminal Justice, Campus Safety
This morning, Chief Fitchburg State University Police Chief Michael Cloutier and other members of the University Police joined with Fitchburg Fire Department (FFD) at their North Street Headquarters, adjacent to the university, to commemorate lives lost during the attacks on 9/11/2001. The ceremony was held at the 9/11 memorial outside Fire Department headquarters - a piece of a steel beam from the North Tower of the World Trade Center anchors the memorial.
Topics: Community, Campus Safety