Professor Donald Tarallo gave his Introduction to Graphic Design students a break from the Macs to tour the Graphic Design Analog space and give them a look into non-computer generated graphic design techniques.
Professor Donald Tarallo gave his Introduction to Graphic Design students a break from the Macs to tour the Graphic Design Analog space and give them a look into non-computer generated graphic design techniques.
Topics: Student Experience, Our Students, Our Faculty, Communications/Media
Between opening remarks from Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Patricia Marshall, to an Institutional Finances Listening Session and Discussion with Jay Bry, Vice President for Finance and Administration, faculty got the chance to reconnect before the semester and attend various breakout sessions including; Care and the Disappearing Student, Fostering Inclusivity through Diverse, Equitable and Accessible Course Materials, and After Text Selection: Student Engagement with Reading and Course Materials.
Topics: Our Faculty, Information Session
Topics: Student Experience, Our Students, Our Faculty, Music Programs
Recently, Lourdes Ramirez, coordinator of field placements, partnerships and recruitment for Fitchburg State’s School of Education welcomed a cohort of local high school students enrolled in The Future Educator Academy program to campus for a day of programming. Students completed a badge focused on Supporting Mental Wellness in the Classroom, Working with Students Who are Underserved, Traditionally Marginalized, and Disenfranchised, and a badge on performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to adults and infants.
Topics: Preparing for College, Our Faculty, Admissions, Occupational Vocational Education, Community
Yesterday afternoon, Criminal Justice Professor Katherine Hazen, presented 5 Study Tips from Cognitive Science with students in Percival Hall. The thrust of the presentation was to give students the tools they need, based on cognitive science, that will help them study for their upcoming finals.
Topics: Our Students, Our Faculty, Programs and Majors, Criminal Justice
Students in Professor Petri Flint's Introductory Painting work on projects in the Conlon Fine Arts. The course studies the basic problems of form, color, and texture as understood in oil. Consideration is also given to the nature and use of the oil painting materials.
Topics: Our Students, Our Faculty, Programs and Majors, Humanities
Dr. Katharine Covino (English Studies) and Dr. Erin MacNeal Rehrig (Biology and Chemistry) have teamed up to teach a unique STEAM (Science, Technology, English, Art, and Math) where science and literature collide, using the book, Bloom by Kenneth Oppel as inspiration. Yesterday's assignment was an art project, wherein students chose a passage from the book, and painted their interpretation of the scene.
Topics: Student Experience, Our Faculty, Programs and Majors, Humanities, Health and Natural Sciences
Good luck to Engineering Technology Professor Hong Yu and his students who will be competing this evening at MIT IEEE Undergraduate Research Technology Conference's Micromouse Competition. Yesterday afternoon they got together in Conlon to finalize their plans.
Topics: Student Experience, Events, Our Students, Our Faculty, Programs and Majors
Exercise and Sports Science Professor Monica Maldari's Health and Fitness Class at our Recreation Center's Fitness Center.
Topics: Our Students, Our Faculty, Programs and Majors, Health and Natural Sciences
Students in Biology and Chemistry Professor Lisa Grimm's General Biology Lab work on an assignment in the Antonucci Science Complex.
Topics: Our Students, Our Faculty, Programs and Majors, Health and Natural Sciences