Senior Game Design students work in groups to complete their Senior Projects at our IdeaLab located on Main St. Fitchburg, MA. (Photos)
Senior Game Design students work in groups to complete their Senior Projects at our IdeaLab located on Main St. Fitchburg, MA. (Photos)
Topics: Faculty, Our Students, IdeaLab, Theater Block, Game Design
This afternoon, the Engineering Technology department had an in-person resume workshop in the Conlon Engineering Technology Lobby. The department will be having two Drop-In Resume Review sessions on February 15 & 17 in the same location from 2-4PM. In addition, Engineering Technology will be holding a Career Fair Tuesday, February 22 in Hammond Hall from 1-4PM.
Topics: Faculty, Our Students, Occupational Vocational Education, Programs and Majors
Students examined plant life in Dr. Rehrig's Intro to Life Science Lab this morning.
Topics: Faculty, Our Students, Programs and Majors
Engineering Technology Professor Sanjay Kaul presents during his Seminar in Construction course in Conlon Hall. #Engineering #EngineeringTechnology
Topics: Faculty, Our Students, Our Faculty, Programs and Majors
The final touches made for tomorrow afternoon's CenterStage Faculty Show. The Opening Reception from 3:30pm - 5:00pm at the Hammond Hall Art Gallery. Learn more about the programs offered through our Humanities Department.
Topics: Faculty, Student Experience
Some crime scene investigation in Professor Krieser's Genetics Lab this afternoon. Learn more about our School of Health and Natural Sciences here.
Topics: Faculty, Student Experience, Meet the Faculty, Our Students, Admissions, Research
Fitchburg State Univeristy welcomed a host of new faculty to campus at the start of the 2015 fall semester, and today we're happy to introduce you to one of our most recent additions. Our ongoing "Meet the Faculty" series presents Dr. Katharine Covino from our English Studies department.
Tell us where you completed your academic studies.
Topics: Faculty
Fitchburg State University's Game Design program has seen a lot of success in the relatively short time it's been offered. Our continuing "Meet the Faculty" series is happy to introduce Jon Amakawa, from Communications Media.
Topics: Faculty, Meet the Faculty
By now, you might be familiar with the Burg Blog's ongoing "Meet the Faculty" series. This week we're taking a look at comm media's Dr. Kyle Moody. Dr. Moody teaches Message Design, Social Media, and Document Design. Get to know him a little better.
Where did you complete your academic studies?
I received my PhD in Mass Communication from the University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication in May 2014. Before that, I earned my Master of Arts in Mass Communication from Miami University in August 2009, and my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Western Kentucky University in May 2006.
Topics: Faculty, Meet the Faculty
As part of the Burg Blog's ongoing "Meet the Faculty" series, we invite you to get to know Dr. DeMisty Bellinger-Delfeld. Dr. Bellinger-Delfeld has taught numerous courses in the English Studies program, from Poetry Reading to Creative Writing, and her fiction has appeared in magazines such as WhiskeyPaper and Kalyani Magazine.
Tell us where you completed your academic studies.
I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, and went on to receive my masters in creative writing at Stony Brook Southhampton College in New York. I then received my Ph.D in english, professional writing from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Topics: Faculty, Meet the Faculty