Before Student Orientation, University President Dr. Donna Hodge welcomed the newest Falcons this morning in the Holmes Dining Commons. Orientation Leaders unveiled their own welcome video and began orientation.
Before Student Orientation, University President Dr. Donna Hodge welcomed the newest Falcons this morning in the Holmes Dining Commons. Orientation Leaders unveiled their own welcome video and began orientation.
It was a gorgeous morning on the Fitchburg State University quad for a breakfast. Capital Planning and Maintenance Maintainer staff members were invited to join President Hodge for an appreciation breakfast. This gave President Hodge the opportunity for her to connect with, and thank them for all their work before the start of the new semester. President Hodge will also be hosting a dinner this evening for those who work second shift.
Yesterday, President Donna Hodge, in collaboration with Human Resources, hosted a BBQ luncheon for the university's AFSCME employees on the quad. This was a great opportunity for campus colleagues to enjoy some social time with one another before the start of the fall semester.
Outgoing Presidents Richard Lapidus, and incoming President Donna Hodge met with Fitchburg Mayor Sam Squailia and Leomisnter Mayor Dean Mazzarella in an effort to ensure open communications and continued collaboration between the university and our local municipalities amid this change in university leadership.
This afternoon, soon to be retired President Lapidus, and incoming President Donna Hodge hosted an Ice Cream Social at the Lisciotti Pavilion in the Antonucci Science Center. The event was an opportunity for colleagues to gather, meet our new President, and catch up after the academic year and before the summer. Both Presidents doled out the ice cream to an eager and grateful crowd.