Fitchburg High School Honors Academy Visit Campus

Posted by Andy Cunningham on December 6, 2023 at 9:15 AM

Last week, students enrolled in the Fitchburg High School Honors Academy  visited campus to learn about the Fitchburg State University Honors Program from Honors Coordinator Mathematics Professor Dr. Catherine Buell, and Assistant Honors Coordinator Biology and Chemistry Professor Dr. Emma Downs, and students currently enrolled in the program. After the information and Q&A session, students took tours of the campus and enjoyed lunch in the dining commons.

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Topics: Preparing for College, Information Session, Community, Early College Program

MS in Applied Communication Information Session

Posted by Andy Cunningham on November 28, 2023 at 1:45 PM

Communications Media Professor Kyle Moody hosted an information session, along with fellow Communications Media Professors J.J. Sylvia IV and Randy Howe remotely, to discuss the MS in Applied Communication with students interested in perusing an advanced degree. 

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Topics: Information Session, Programs and Majors, Communications/Media, Graduate Programs

Faculty Panel Talk: The Israel/Gaza Crisis

Posted by Andy Cunningham on November 15, 2023 at 11:15 AM

Members of the faculty looked at the historical factors that have led to what has been called the Second October War in Israel and Gaza, while exploring how the crisis fits into other contexts, in Ellis White Lecture Hall yesterday afternoon. Professor Joshua Spero moderated a panel discussion, which also included Michael Hoberman (English Studies),Eric Budd (Economics, History and Political Science), Yasser Derwiche Djazaerly (Humanities), Benjamin Lieberman (Economics, History and Political Science), R. Brad Bannon (Humanities) and Wafa Unus (English Studies)

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Topics: Our Faculty, Information Session, Humanities, Economics, History, and Political Science, English Studies

MassINC 11th Annual Gateway Cities Innovation Institute Awards & Summit

Posted by Andy Cunningham on November 14, 2023 at 3:00 PM

Fitchburg State University was delighted to host MassINC's 11th Annual Gateway Cities Innovation Institute Awards & Summit today at our Recreation Center. This event focused on positioning Gateway Cities to play a leading role in the clean energy transition. After an energetic performance by Cypha in da Burg, City of Fitchburg Mayor Stephen DiNatale and Massachusetts Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll welcomed attendees from across the state. Fitchburg State University President Dr. Richard S. Lapidus opened the Awards portion of the day's events. 

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Topics: Information Session, Community

Around Campus - Pancakes & Parking

Posted by Andy Cunningham on November 13, 2023 at 4:45 PM

This morning, the Office of Student Development teamed up with Housing and Residential Services hosting Pancakes & Parking a Commuter-centric informational event on the Street Level of the Hammond Hall.

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Topics: Information Session, Commuters, Housing

Career Services and Advising Center - Engineering Employer Roundtable

Posted by Andy Cunningham on November 7, 2023 at 2:08 PM

This afternoon, the Career Services and Advising Center and the Engineering Technology Department held a Lunch & Learn Engineering Technology Employer Roundtable event. Representatives from Bemis Associates, Consigli Construction, and The Massachusetts Department of Transportation were on hand to network with students in Conlon Hall. Networking events serve as an excellent opportunity for our students to connect with potential employers, learn about different career paths, and gain valuable insights into the current job market. 

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Topics: Student Experience, Information Session, Career Services, Engineering Technology

Career Services and Advising Center - Graduate Education Exploration Fair

Posted by Andy Cunningham on November 1, 2023 at 4:45 PM

This afternoon, the Career Services and Advising Center held an  Exploration Fair in the Hammond Main Lounge.  Fitchburg State University's School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education (SGOCE) along with local university's graduate school programs, provided this as opportunity for schools to meet the talented students at Fitchburg State University, and connect with potential graduate students. This was an opportunity for our students to learn about graduate school programs, and receive information about the application process.

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Topics: Events, Information Session, Programs and Majors, Graduate Programs

Fall Open House, Saturday, October 28, 2023

Posted by Andy Cunningham on October 28, 2023 at 4:15 PM

Today was a beautiful day for our second Fall Open House. Potential students, and Freddy Falcon, checked in and had the opportunity to meet with faculty and students from all of our programs. After Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Patricia Marshall got her hands on the T-Shirt "gun," President Lapidus welcomed all in a packed Weston Auditorium.

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Topics: Preparing for College, Admissions, Information Session, Programs and Majors, Community, Campus

English Studies Mix and Mingle

Posted by Andy Cunningham on October 19, 2023 at 1:15 PM

Our English Studies faculty recently invited Interested students to join them, and  English Studies majors and minors  to mix and mingle in the Miller Oval. 

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Topics: Student Experience, Events, Information Session, English Studies

S.T.E.M. Week - Faculty Research Symposium

Posted by Andy Cunningham on October 19, 2023 at 9:05 AM

The BiologyChemistry, and Earth & Geographic Sciences departments held their annual science symposium Tuesday afternoon at the Lisciotti pavilion in the Antonucci Science Building as part of our S.T.E.M. Week events. This is an event where the science faculty present posters on their research to get students interested and involved in the sciences.

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Topics: Information Session, Programs and Majors, Health and Natural Sciences