Seventh Annual Celebration of Faculty and Librarian Excellence

Posted by Andy Cunningham on May 23, 2023 at 8:15 PM

At the culmination of today's Faculty and Librarian Research Symposium, the Celebration for Faculty and Librarian Excellence was held in the Holmes Dining Complex. As the faculty wrapped up their sessions, Emeriti Faculty were welcomed to reconnect prior to the event. 

At the Celebration for Faculty and Librarian Excellence President Lapidus, and Provost Marshall recognized faculty for their years of service, tenure, promotions, and retirements. In addition, Six retirees received the Honor of Emeritus.

The event culminated with the Faculty Awards; Faculty Award for Service (Dr. Danielle Wigmore), Faculty Award for Research and Scholarship (Dr. Adem Elveren - not in attendance), Contributions to Graduate Programs Award (Dr. Daniel Sarefield), and the Dr. Vincent J. Mara Award for Excellence in Teaching (Dr. Jannette McMenemy).

Congratulations all!


See the photos here;


Topics: Faculty, Community