Students in Professor Robert Harris' Intro to Film and Video class were all over campus this morning completing an interview assignment. Learn about our Film & Video Program here.
Students in Professor Robert Harris' Intro to Film and Video class were all over campus this morning completing an interview assignment. Learn about our Film & Video Program here.
Topics: Campus, Communications/Media
At the request of Police Academy Director Alexandra Wysocki, the Career Services and Advising Center held a preparation session for their upcoming Law Enforcement Reverse Career Fair for students in our Fitchburg State University Police Program. Students were given tips on how to conduct themselves, write up an "elevator pitch", and practice those pitches with Career Services and Advising Center staff and Director Wysocki.
Topics: Police Program, Career Services, Criminal Justice
Yesterday afternoon, the Society of Philosophers in American and Communications Media Professor J.J. Sylvia IV's Communication Law and Ethics Class hosted a discussion on how governments interact with and regulate social media platforms. Students and community members reflected on this timely topic at the Fitchburg Public Library.
Topics: Community, Communications/Media
Students in Biology and Chemistry Professor Dennis Awasabisah's General Chemistry I Lab perform an experiment in the Antonucci Science Complex. The course explores the fundamental laws and theories of chemistry such as atomic structure, the periodic table, electrochemistry, descriptive inorganic chemistry, the gas laws, solutions, equilibrium calculations and chemical bonding. Chemical calculations are emphasized.
Topics: Health and Natural Sciences
This morning, students in Professor Kevin McCarthy's Multi-Camera Television Production course were at Fitchburg Access Television (FATV) to evaluate show segments they produced last week at FATV. Executive Director of FATV, Nathan Glenny was on hand to offer his input to the class.
Topics: Communications/Media, Fitchburg Access Television (FATV)
Senior nursing students worked through a home hospice care scenario n our Nursing Simulation Lab. The scenario consisted of two parts. In part one, the team arrives to care for Erika, currently in home hospice whose understandably distraught sister has many concerns and questions. The team makes Erika comfortable and answers her sister's questions. In part two, Erika has passed and the team works through the process of disenrollment. Note - while two different teams are pictured, both teams worked through both part one & two.
Economics, History and Political Science Professor Teresa Fava Thomas and Fitchburg Historical Society Director, Susan Navarre recently joined host Noah Hatton on the K-Zone Morning Kommute on WPKZ (105.3 FM and 1280 AM) to discuss their upcoming joint venture Writing Home to Fitchburg - A Reading of WWII Service Members’ Letters. This program is presented by the Fitchburg Historical Society, the Fitchburg State University Archives, the Center for Italian Culture and the Fitchburg Community Read.
Each year, Fitchburg State University's Office of Student Development holds, and judges, the Staff Golden Pumpkin Costume Contest - this year's theme was Movies. The winning office gets bragging rights for an entire year along with the Golden Pumpkin Trophy!
A Drag Queen Story Hour was held yesterday afternoon in the Amelia V Gallucci-Cirio Library as part of the university's celebration of LGBTQ+ History Month. Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is a children's event that was first started in 2015 by author and activist Michelle Tea in San Francisco with the goal to "inspire a love of reading, while teaching deeper lessons on diversity, self-love and an appreciation of others.
Topics: Clubs and Organizations, Community
University music faculty members Jane Fiske, Jonathan Harvey, Amy McGlothlin and Justin Casinghino were joined by special guests Kris Layton, Cynthia Schilling and The Aroma Duo for this performance highlighting Fitchburg State's, nine-foot Steinway Model D concert grand piano.
Topics: Humanities, Music Programs, Creative Arts Therapies, Creative Arts Enterprise