Students in Theater Professor Mary Vreeland's Acting for the Camera course, an intensive scene study course for the advanced student actor, recorded scenes in the Weston Auditorium.
Students in Theater Professor Mary Vreeland's Acting for the Camera course, an intensive scene study course for the advanced student actor, recorded scenes in the Weston Auditorium.
Topics: Communications/Media, Theater Program
Students in Theater Professor Mary Vreeland's Acting for the Camera course, an intensive scene study course for the advanced student actor, spent their class time getting comfortable in front of the camera and find their "good side."
Topics: Communications/Media, Theater Program
Theater Professor Kelly Morgan introduced Christian Dedier, Gabe Mangrum, and Lina Kherallah at today's Board of Trustees meeting in the Hammond Hall Main Lounge. All three students are involved in the Theater Program and each performed a scene during the Board of Trustees' social hour. After their performances, they were interviewed about their experiences here at Fitchburg State University by Matthew Bruun, Executive Director of Communications and Public Affairs.
Topics: Communications/Media, Theater Program, Board of Trustees
Students in Theater Professor Kelly Morgan's Stage Movement: Combat course work in small groups to rehearse the combat scenes they've conceived as part of the coursework. The class teaches students how to utilize the sword as an extension of the character and a a vehicle by which the actor propels the story.
Topics: Communications/Media, Theater Program, Creative Arts Therapies, Creative Arts Enterprise
On Wednesday, Nov. 13 @ 7pm, the Communications Media Department will begin the run of its Fall theatrical production of American Undergroundby Brent Askariat theTheater for the Performing Arts in the McKay Complex at 67 Rindge Road. Admission is FREE and open to the public. The story; In the not-so-distant future, an interracial couple enjoys a visit from their college-aged son when a young Muslim woman arrives at their back door. She’s looking for safe passage via a new Underground Railroad as Muslims are being detained and imprisoned. Suddenly, a government official knocks on their door, wreaking havoc on the family. They must decide how much to risk to save an innocent woman. This thriller takes us inside a stark vision of an unapologetic America. Opening night is a benefit performance for the Ashmadiyya Muslim Community/Fitchburg Islamic Center. Following this performance only, there will be a brief Q & A with members of this community. While there will be no admission charge, donations are welcome. Learn more about the production and the schedule of performances here.
Topics: Communications/Media, Theater Program
Students assist Technical Theater Professor Jo Nazro putting some of the final touches on the set for the upcoming production of American Underground at the Wallace Theater for the Performing Arts in the McKay Complex. Learn more about the production and when to see here.
Topics: Communications/Media, Theater Program, Creative Arts Therapies, Creative Arts Enterprise
Theater Technical Director Jo Nazro assists students in her Advanced Stage Light Design class make the first draft of their lighting plans. Learn more about our Theater Concentration here.
Topics: Communications/Media, Theater Program, Creative Arts Therapies, Creative Arts Enterprise
Students in Theater Professor Kelly Morgan's Stage Movement: Combat course work in small groups to rehearse the combat scenes they've conceived as part of the coursework. The class teaches students how to utilize the sword as an extension of the character and a a vehicle by which the actor propels the story.
Topics: Communications/Media, Theater Program, Creative Arts Therapies, Creative Arts Enterprise
Alum Fouad Nasr, and fellow Barbizon Lighting Company Salesperson Zoe Harris were recently on campus with ETC Field Project Coordinator Jason Perry to demonstrate lighting fixtures during Theater Technical Director Jo Nazro's Advanced Stage Light Design class. Learn more about our Theater Concentration here.
Topics: Communications/Media, Theater Program
Theater Professor Kelly Morgan teaches students how to utilize the sword as an extension of the character and a a vehicle by which the actor propels the story in his Stage Movement: Combat in Weston Auditorium. This workshop-oriented course utilizes the basic techniques of movement with emphasis on developing each student's potential for effective physicalization of a character on stage.
Topics: Communications/Media, Theater Program, Creative Arts Therapies, Creative Arts Enterprise