Do you love performing music, painting, acting, sculpting, writing songs, but you’ve gotten the message that your art isn’t a “real job”? Fitchburg State’s B.A. in Creative Arts Enterprise (CAE) gives students the opportunity to develop a personalized and flexible set of skills, with which they emerge as creative artists ready to meet the needs of audiences and arts organizations in a shifting global economy.
CAE majors select a concentration in Music, Theater, or Visual Art, and receive expert training from our renowned arts faculty to bring their skills to the next level. At the same time, through coursework in entrepreneurship, marketing, professional writing, publicity, and management, you develop a solid grasp of what it takes to work in a wide variety of positions across the arts sector. And throughout your time at Fitchburg State, you’ll have many opportunities for practical work with artists and arts organizations right here in Massachusetts, whether through internships, course projects, collaborations, or in our required Arts in Community course, where guests from local governments, nonprofits, arts businesses, and professional artists broaden your understanding of the many ways that the arts are woven into our economy and society.
Whether it’s for a career as a fine or performing artist, a career in arts administration, promotion, or management, or a newly developed entrepreneurial arts field that you envision, the Creative Arts Enterprise program at Fitchburg State can be your launchpad. Contact Dr. Jonathan Harvey to learn more.
Dr. Harvey is Program Coordinator for the Creative Arts Enterprise major, as well as Associate Professor of Music and Director of Choirs at Fitchburg State, where he has taught for nine years. He is also Music Director of the Brattleboro Concert Choir and the Brattleboro Camerata in Vermont, where he works as an advocate for community arts initiatives.