How frustrating is it to run errands when you have to make 3 or more different stops? Pack up the children, find a place to park, walk to the building, and handle whatever business you need to ….you could take a full day just running a few tiny errands! Not at Fitchburg State University. We have all of the administrative offices housed in one building, consider the Anthony Building your one stop shop for all of your academic needs.

Graduate and Continuing Education (GCE) – Anthony 112
Considering starting a new program and need to speak with an advisor? Schedule an appointment or just drop in to our office. Bring the questions you have already written down and be that much more prepared. Already attending and need to submit a petition or speak with the Dean, all of these items can be handled in this one office.
Admissions – Anthony 102
Have you decided after speaking with an advisor that this is the school for you? Head on over to the admissions office. They’re here to answer any questions you may have about the application process and to handle your account from application to acceptance into a program. Want to become more familiar with Fitchburg State? Take a campus tour and learn about all of the great resources available to you as a student.
OneCard – Anthony 118
Stop down and pick up your OneCard!
The “OneCard” is the official identification card of Fitchburg State. You will find that the OneCard is an essential key to campus life and can be used on campus or off campus for additional discounts.
Registrar – Anthony 110
So you've already been accepted and need to register for classes or just want to get your feet wet and try a class before you make the commitment to a program? Visit the registrar’s office and register for classes. This can also be done over the phone or online, but the friendly staff is always in the office to help you in any way they can.
Student Accounts – Anthony 108
Once you have registered you can make your way to student accounts to pay your bill. This staff provides excellent customer service, while assisting with meeting the student’s financial obligations for payment of tuition and fees.
Financial Aid – Anthony 108
Financial Aid is there to assist those students who, without financial aid, would be unable to attend. Stop by and see how you can find out if you qualify for financial aid and how to apply. Bring the questions you already have for them and be ahead of the game.
Not sure how you’re going to pay for your graduate or continuing education? Visit financing your graduate and continuing education for more information on the available options.
If you work during the day and can’t make it to campus, please consider attending our upcoming Information Session. With 6 offices in one building this is definitely the one stop shop for starting off your studies on the right foot. Come and take a look….let’s talk!