Explore Music & Culture from Around the World

Posted by Kimberly McCoy-Blauser on June 12, 2024 at 8:29 AM

Do you love music and wish you had the resources to travel the world experiencing it all first hand? Now you don't have to.


This fall from September 5 through October 23, World Music will be offered online at Fitchburg State. From the comfort of your home, you can experience the culture of Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Spain, Ireland, Latin America, Central Asia, India, China, Japan, and Indonesia.  

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Topics: Programs, Humanities

New Course Spring 23 - Imperialism, War and Resistance HIST 9031

Posted by Fitchburg State University on December 5, 2022 at 9:05 AM

Burning of Arochukwo, Nigeria, 1901.  Imperial arson was widespread.

Before the World Wars, before D-Day, Stalingrad, Verdun, and the Somme, the major western powers of Europe and the Americas enjoyed decades of relative peace.  but this era of peace was actually a period of almost incessant war:  by the turn of the last century European imperial powers and states with predominantly European settler populations, had taken control over vast areas of the globe in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. This class will examine this era of global war, focusing on both methods of conquest and on the emergence of multiple forms of resistance. We will look at both similarities and differences between conquest and resistance in regions including, the Great Plains, the Pampas or grasslands of Argentina, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia.

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Topics: Programs and Majors, Humanities