Check out this alumni spotlight on Lt. John Boucher, a recent graduate from our Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MSCJ) program, Professional Studies concentration, who was promoted from Sgt. to Lt. while in the online program.
What was your experience like in the online MSCJ program?
The Fitchburg State University MSCJ online program was ideal after a 20+ year gap between my undergraduate and graduate degrees. For an adult learner, it provided flexibility to accommodate a busy professional schedule by offering remote, classroom, and hybrid options to ensure the challenge of the graduate degree journey was self-paced. Professors, advisors, and the school community were flexible and accessible - providing support and perspective through video conferences, phone conversations and in-person meetings to discuss relevant class topics and my individual professional development goals. I found the depth of professional diversity to be valuable. Each professor offered a practical experience that was current, informed, and credible beyond their academic perspective. Invested in each student's comprehension of the curriculum, I found their willingness to debate refreshing and open-minded, leading by example to teach students "HOW" to think critically, not WHAT to think on any given topic.