128th Commencement Exercises - Graduate Ceremony

Posted by Andy Cunningham on May 17, 2024 at 12:40 PM

Fitchburg State celebrated its 128th commencement exercises, graduate ceremony, on Thursday, May 16, 2024. The ceremony includes remarks from President Richard S. Lapidus as well as a speech by Master of Science in computer science recipient Ali Raza, the Spring 2024 recipient of the Graduate Student Leadership Award. Learn more about Ali, and the Graduate Commencement here.

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Topics: Events, Commencement, Graduate Programs

Career Services and Advising Center - Graduate Education Exploration Fair

Posted by Andy Cunningham on November 1, 2023 at 6:30 PM

This afternoon, the Career Services and Advising Center held an  Exploration Fair in the Hammond Main Lounge.  Fitchburg State University's School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education (SGOCE) along with local university's graduate school programs, provided this as opportunity for schools to meet the talented students at Fitchburg State University, and connect with potential graduate students. This was an opportunity for our students to learn about graduate school programs, and receive information about the application process.

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Topics: Events, Information Session, Programs and Majors, Graduate Programs

127th Commencement Exercises, Graduate Ceremony

Posted by Andy Cunningham on May 19, 2023 at 11:00 AM

Fitchburg State celebrated its 127th commencement exercises, graduate ceremony, on Thursday, May 18, 2023. The ceremony includes remarks from  Senator John J. Cronin, alum Representative Michael P. Kushmerek, President Richard S. Lapidus as well as a speech by MBA recipient Stephanie Tsacogianis, the Spring 2023 recipient of the Graduate Student Leadership Award.

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Topics: Events, Commencement, Graduate Programs

Celebrating Graduate Education

Posted by Andy Cunningham on April 4, 2023 at 10:02 AM

Fitchburg State’s School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education (SGOCE) held its second annual Graduate Education Celebration on April 3, highlighting the accomplishments of its students and faculty.

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Topics: Student Experience, Events, Community, Education Program

2,022 Reasons Why 2022 Is YOUR Year To Go Back To School

Posted by Caroline Lanni on July 12, 2022 at 4:22 PM

Wow... that's a lot of reasons to finish your degree. On second thought, that may be too many reasons, and is sounding more and more like a book.

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Topics: Events, Webinars, Information Session

Graduate Commencement Ceremony, May 12, 2022

Posted by Andy Cunningham on May 13, 2022 at 11:55 AM

It was all smiles at last evening's School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education Commencement Ceremony. Graduates and their families, and friends gathered at the Fitchburg State University Athletics Recreation Center to receive their advanced degrees. If you missed the ceremony, you can watch it in it's entirety on FATV.

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Topics: Programs, Events, Community

Top 5 Viewed Blog Posts of 2020

Posted by Kelly Norris on December 31, 2020 at 4:06 PM

As we finish up with 2020 (thank goodness), it's time to wrap up another year of the SGOCE Blog.
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Topics: Events, Information Session

Watch one of our program webinars and save $50

Posted by Kelly Norris on October 27, 2020 at 12:23 PM

Are you interested in returning to school to complete your bachelor's degree or to earn a master’s degree, but can’t find the time to make a phone call during the work day? We’ve got you covered during webinar week!

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Topics: Events, Admissions, Webinars

Is the time right to pursue a degree or certificate in education?

Posted by Kimberly McCoy-Blauser on June 30, 2020 at 10:24 AM

2020 has presented challenges for all of us. Perhaps this unusual time has given you an opportunity to think about returning to the classroom. Would you like to pursue an initial teacher’s license, to broaden your knowledge in your teaching field or to expand your scope with a new area of focus?

Fitchburg State has a multitude of programs and concentrations to meet your educational and career needs.

  • More than a dozen Master of Education routes to an initial license for first-time teachers and career-changers
  • Nine non-licensure Master of Education programs for those who want to diversify their expertise - including a newly-launched Special Education, Guided Studies, Applied Behavior Analysis option
  • Three Graduate-Level Certificate tracks targeting in-demand needs within the field of education
  • Four options for Certificates of Advanced Graduate Studies in administrative and specialized areas such as School Principal and Supervisor/Director; additional specializations to be offered soon
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Topics: Programs, Events, Information Session

Forensic nursing - bridging the gap between health care and law enforcement

Posted by Kimberly McCoy-Blauser on May 29, 2020 at 1:22 PM

Are you a registered nurse who wants to deal with the prevention, scientific investigation, and treatment of victims of trauma and/or death?

Do you want to be a vital part of the investigation and treatment of perpetrators of abuse, violence, criminal activity and traumatic accidents? Then earn your
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Topics: Programs, Events