This morning, Fitchburg State University President Richard Lapidus welcomed those gathered in-person, and virtually, to the first ever School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education's Graduate Education Celebration. After remarks by Suzanne Ortega, President of the Council of Graduate Schools, who joined remotely, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Catherine R. Canney presented the inaugural 2022 Graduate Adjunct Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching to Professor Henry Culver. Then a panel of students, Kondwani Moya, and Kamelia Lechani along with Professors Kyle Moody, and Daneen Deptula talked about the graduate program experience.
School of Graduate, Online and Continuing Education's Graduate Education Celebration
Posted by Andy Cunningham on April 4, 2022 at 2:04 PM
Topics: Our Faculty, Information Session, Community
Our Faculty: Dr. Benjamin Railton, English
Posted by Kimberly McCoy-Blauser on October 26, 2021 at 11:38 AM
Are you interested in Fitchburg State's MA in English program? As part of the GCE blog's "Our Faculty" series, we introduce Dr. Benjamin Railton, Professor in the English Studies department and the Graduate English chair.
Topics: Our Faculty
Are you interested in Fitchburg State's special education programs? Meet Dr. Robert Shapiro, assistant professor and graduate program chair of the applied behavior analysis graduate certificate program.
Topics: Our Faculty
Our Faculty: Dr. Daniel Sarefield, History
Posted by Kimberly McCoy-Blauser on June 18, 2020 at 11:32 AM
Do you have a passion for history? Do you aspire to a career as a professional historian or as a historical researcher or writer? Are you a teacher on your way to your professional licensure or a professionally licensed history teacher seeking a Master’s degree in your subject field? Do you want to learn more about our graduate program in history?
As part of the GCE blog's "Our Faculty" series, we introduce Dr. Daniel Sarefield, Professor and graduate program chair of the MA History program.
What is your educational background?
Ever since I was a kid I have been fascinated by ancient civilizations and languages, but once I started studying history and Latin in high school I really never looked back. I completed my B.A. in Religion and History at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and my M.A. and Ph.D. in Ancient History at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.
Topics: Programs, Our Faculty, Webinars, Economics, History, and Political Science
Are you interested in Fitchburg State's counseling programs? As part of the GCE Blog's "Our Faculty" series, we introduce Dr. Robert Hynes, Director of Counseling Services/Assistant Dean for Student Support Services.
Topics: Programs, Our Faculty
Our Faculty: Nicole Lajoie, BS, RN-BC, Nursing Coordinator
Posted by Kimberly McCoy-Blauser on August 15, 2019 at 2:02 PM
Are you interested in Fitchburg State's nursing programs? As part of the GCE Blog's "Our Faculty" series, we introduce Nicole Lajoie, BS, RN-BC, Nursing Coordinator.

Topics: Programs, Our Faculty, Webinars
Our Faculty: Stephen Celona, Education Department
Posted by Kimberly McCoy-Blauser on July 25, 2018 at 10:34 AM
Are you interested in Fitchburg State's education programs? As part of the GCE blog's "Our Faculty" series, we introduce Teacher in Residence and Fitchburg State alum, Professor Stephen Celona.
After graduating in 1991 with a bachelor of science degree, I went on to serve many different roles in the field of education. Those roles have included many different teaching experiences, as well as administrative roles later on in my career.
Although I continued my education, completing my graduate degree elsewhere in 2001, I truly believe that it was my undergraduate time at Fitchburg State that instilled in me the content and strategies needed to be a knowledgeable, skillful, ethical, and caring educator.
Topics: Programs, Our Faculty
Our Faculty: Deborah Stone, PhD, MS, RN, Nursing Department
Posted by Kimberly McCoy-Blauser on September 8, 2017 at 9:13 AM
Are you interested in Fitchburg State's nursing programs? As part of the GCE Blog's "Our Faculty" series, we introduce Dr. Deborah Stone, Chair of the Forensic Nursing program.
Tell us about your experience in Forensic Nursing.
The majority of my experience as a forensic RN has been as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE). Many facilities utilize the role of a SANE combined with a generalist forensic RN role. This includes providing care, evidence collection, and documentation (photographs, diagrams, and narrative) for any forensic patient. Forensic patients seek healthcare which is, or will be, related to a legal proceeding. Common examples include patients who experience domestic violence, child or elder abuse/neglect, sexual assault/perpetration. Other infrequent examples in my experience include photo-documentation of a shark bite, and photo-documentation of a deceased motor vehicle collision victim (MVC) where the airbag failed to deploy. In addition to clinical practice roles, I also have experience as a legal nurse consultant. Most of my work with attorneys involved extensive record review and writing reports. The SANE role includes providing a physical examination, collection of evidence, and testifying in court as an expert and/or fact witness. In 2010, I was approached by the Massachusetts Board of Nursing and asked to create a presentation that details when cardio-pulmonary resuscitation should and should not be done.Topics: Our Faculty, Webinars
Our Faculty: William Cortezia, Ph.D Education Department
Posted by Kimberly McCoy-Blauser on April 13, 2017 at 9:43 AM
Are you interested in Fitchburg State's Education programs? As part of the GCE Blog's "Our Faculty" series, we introduce Dr. William Cortezia, Chair of the Middle School Education program.
Topics: Programs, Our Faculty, Webinars
Are you interested in Fitchburg State's special education programs? As part of the GCE blog's "Our Faculty" series, we introduce Dr. Nancy Murray, associate professor and graduate program chair of the special education moderate disabilities program and co-chair of the behavior analyst graduate certificate program.
What is your educational background, and what certifications do you have relevant to your program?
I have a strong background in teaching children with various special needs from grades Prek-22. This includes students with moderate and severe disabilities.
I've been an autism specialist for various districts and have continued to consult for families and districts around programming and behavioral issues for children with emotional/behavioral, and autism spectrum disorders.
Topics: Our Faculty