4 Tips for Success in Online Courses

Posted by Kelly Norris on August 31, 2015 at 9:28 AM

You did it! You registered for an online course. Just think of all the time you'll save not having to commute, not to mention the money you'll save on gas and wear and tear on your vehicle!

Remember though, taking an online course can require more discipline on your part than taking a course on-campus, where your teacher tells you when to take exams, submit assignments and even when to come to class.

We want you to be successful in your online course, and that's why we're sharing some tips to help keep you on track: 


1. Plan your time - Plan according to your personal schedule and the demands of the class.

2. Commit to regular interaction - Check your class for new postings, announcements and emails on a regular basis, even if only for a few minutes. Be sure to check your class early in the week and throughout the week. You can even schedule appointments on your calendar as a reminder to check your class regularly.

3. Jump right in - Get a good start on your class. Many of our online courses are available for viewing before the class actually begins, so take the time to thoroughly read and understand the syllabus and the instructor's expectations. You might even want to get an early start on some of the required reading.

4. You're not alone...ask for help! Fitchburg State offers support for our online students, the Director of Distance Education for general support, and a 24/7 Helpdesk to offer technical support (call 978.665.4500 or submit a ticket at Online Helpdesk Request Form).

And if something is unclear from your instructor, look up their contact information on the syllabus and send an email!

Try a demo online course

Feel free to share your own tips for success in the comments section below.